Monday, March 2, 2015

Amateur Radio Simplex and Calling Frequencies

In an effort to improve my preparedness for emergency communications I have been collecting lists of commonly used Simplex and calling frequencies to program into all of my radios.

2 Meters (144-148 MHz)

144.00-144.05 EME (CW)
144.05-144.10 General CW and weak signals
144.10-144.20 EME and weak-signal SSB
144.10 MHz 2M CW.........   
144.060 2M QRP CW Calling Freq ----
144.144 to 144.150 2M PSK ........  
144.200 National calling frequency
144.200 MHz 2M SSB........   
144.200-144.275 General SSB operation
144.275-144.300 Propagation beacons
144.285 2M QRP SSB Calling Freq ---- 
144.30-144.50 New OSCAR subband
144.31 to 144.375, unchannelized, From the JPLARC in Southern California
144.405 to 144.475, unchannelized From the JPLARC in Southern California
144.49 (International Space Station uplink: transmit here & listen to 145.80 for the downlink)
144.50-144.60 Linear translator inputs
145.51 to 145.595, unchannelized, From the JPLARC in Southern California
144.60-144.90 FM repeater inputs
145.71 to 145.785 in 15 kHz steps , From the JPLARC in Southern California
144.90-145.10 Weak signal and FM simplex (145.01,03,05,07,09 are widely used for packet)
145.10-145.20 Linear translator outputs
145.20-145.50 FM repeater outputs
145.50-145.80 Miscellaneous and experimental modes
145.510 D
MR simplex 2 **
145.790 DMR simplex 1 **
145.80-146.00 OSCAR subband
146.01-146.37 Repeater inputs
146.40-146.58 Simplex
146.400 FM Simplex
146.415 FM Simplex
146.430 FM Simplex (ATV simplex only from the JPLARC in Southern California)
146.445 FM Simplex
146.460 FM Simplex
146.475 FM Simplex
146.490 FM Simplex
146.505 FM Simplex
146.520 National FM Simplex Calling Frequency
146.535 FM Simplex
146.550 FM Simplex
146.565 FM Simplex
146.580 FM Simplex
146.595 FM Simplex
146.61-146.97 Repeater outputs
147.00-147.39 Repeater outputs
147.42-147.57 Simplex
147.420 FM Simplex
147.435 FM Simplex
147.450 FM Simplex
147.465 FM Simplex
147.480 FM Simplex
147.495 FM Simplex
147.510 FM Simplex
147.525 FM Simplex
147.540 FM Simplex
147.555 FM Simplex
147.570 FM Simplex
147.60-147.99 Repeater inputs
Notes: The frequency 146.40 MHz is used in some areas as a repeater input. This band plan has been proposed by the ARRL VHF-UHF Advisory Committee.

** For DMR simplex use TG99 / CC1 / TS1 /Admit Criteria: Always / In Call Criteria: TX or Always

1.25 Meters (222-225 MHz)

222.0-222.150 Weak-signal modes
222.0-222.025 EME
222.05-222.06 Propagation beacons
222.07 to 222.15 1.25M PSK ....
222.1 SSB & CW calling frequency
222.10-222.15 Weak-signal CW & SSB
222.15-222.25 Local coordinator's option; weak signal, ACSB, repeater inputs, control
222.25-223.38 FM repeater inputs only
223.40-223.52 FM simplex
223.500 National FM Simplex Calling Frequency
223.52-223.64 Digital, packet
223.64-223.70 Links, control
223.71-223.85 Local coordinator's option; FM simplex, packet, repeater outputs
223.85-224.98 Repeater outputs only
Note: The 222 MHz band plan was adopted by the ARRL Board of Directors in July 1991.

70 Centimeters (420-450 MHz)

420.00-426.00 ATV repeater or simplex with 421.25 MHz video carrier control links and experimental
426.00-432.00 ATV simplex with 
427.250-MHz video carrier frequency
432.00-432.07 EME (Earth-Moon-Earth)
432.07-432.10 Weak-signal CW
432.10 70-cm calling frequency
432.10-432.30 Mixed-mode and weak-signal work
432.10 MHz 70cm SSB......
432.2 and up 70cm PSK .....
432.30-432.40 Propagation beacons
432.40-433.00 Mixed-mode and weak-signal work
433.00-435.00 Auxiliary/repeater links
433.450 DMR simplex 4 **
435.00-438.00 Satellite only (internationally)
438.00-444.00 ATV repeater input with 439.250-MHz video carrier frequency and repeater links
441.000 DMR 
simplex 1 **
442.00-445.00 Repeater inputs and outputs (local option)
445.00-447.00 Shared by auxiliary and control links, repeaters and simplex (local option)
446.00 National FM simplex frequency
446.075 DMR simplex 3 **
446.500 DMR simplex 2 **
447.00-450.00 Repeater inputs and outputs (local option)

** For DMR simplex use TG99 / CC1 / TS1 /Admit Criteria: Always / In Call Criteria: TX or Always

6 Meters (50-54 MHz)

50.0-50.1 CW, beacons
50.0-50.1 CW
50.000 - 50.100 CW, Beacons
50.06-50.09 Beacons
50.060-50.080 beacon subband
50.06 QRP CW Calling Freq
50.090 CW Calling Freq
50.1-50.3 SSB, CW
50.100 to 50.130 DX Window (USB)
50.10-50.60 Weak Signal, AM
50.100 - 50.300 SSB, CW
50.100 - 50.125 DX Window
50.110 DX Calling Frequency (USB) Usually Non-USA Stations Call Here.
50.115 DXpeditions Frequently operate CW and SSB here
50.125 USA National SSB Simplex Frequency (USB) Lots Of USA Hams Call Here
50.125 SSB Calling Frequency
50.10-50.125 DX window
50.125 SSB calling
50.260 is the WSJT Meteor Scatter calling frequency in the USA   
50.260 WSJT Calling Frequency
50.270 FSK Meteorscatter
50.290 PSK31 (SSB)
50.3-50.6 All modes
50.300 - 50.600 All Modes
50.300 FM Simplex Calling Frequency (West Coast)
50.385 USB PSK31
50.4 National AM Simplex Frequency
50.400 AM Calling Frequency
50.6-50.8 Nonvoice communications
50.600 - 50.800 Digital
50.62 Digital (packet) calling
50.680 SSTV
50.7 RTTY Calling Frequency 
50.8-51.0 Radio remote control (20-kHz channels)
50.800 - 51.000 Remote Control
50.885 QRP SSB Calling Freq
51.0-51.1 Pacific DX window
51.000 - 51.100 Pacific DX Window
51.12-51.48 Repeater inputs (19 channels)
51.12-51.18 Digital repeater inputs
51.120 - 51.180 Digital
51.120 PSK31 (FM)
51.200 - 51.480 FM Repeater Inputs
51.5-51.6  Simplex (six channels)
51.500  FM Simplex
51.520  FM Simplex
51.540  FM Simplex
51.560  FM Simplex
51.580  FM Simplex
51.600  FM Simplex
51.62-51.98 Repeater outputs (19 channels)
51.62-51.68 Digital repeater outputs
51.620 - 51.680 Digital
51.700 - 51.980 FM Repeater Outputs
51.910 FM Internet Linking
52.0-52.48 Repeater inputs (except as noted; 23 channels)
52.02, 52.04 FM simplex
52.020 - 52.040 FM Simplex
52.060 - 52.480 FM Repeater Inputs
52.2 TEST PAIR (input)
52.490  FM Simplex
52.510 FM Simplex
52.525 National FM Simplex Calling Frequency
52.5-52.98 Repeater output (except as noted; 23 channels)
52.525 Primary FM simplex
52.54 Secondary FM simplex
52.550  FM Simplex
52.570  FM Simplex
52.590  FM Simplex
52.560 - 52.980 FM Repeater Outputs
52.7 TEST PAIR (output)
53.0-53.48 Repeater inputs (except as noted; 19 channels)
53.0 Remote base FM simplex
53.02 Simplex
53.040 - 53.480 FM Repeater Inputs
53.1 Radio remote control
53.2 Radio remote control
53.3 Radio remote control 
53.4 Radio remote control
53.5-53.98 Repeater outputs (except as noted; 19 channels)
53.5 Radio remote control
53.6 Radio remote control
53.7 Radio remote control
53.8 Radio remote control
53.52 Simplex FM
53.9 Simplex FM

903.100 MHz 33cm CW/SSB..
906.500 MHz 33cm FM......    
1294.500 MHz 23cm FM......  
1296.100 MHz 23cm CW/SSB..
2304.100 MHz 13cm CW/SSB..

900 MHz National “Traditional” FM Voice Simplex Channels
906.000 to 907.000 MHz - channel every 25 KHz
906.500 - National Calling Frequency

1.2 GHz
1294.00 - 1295.00 Narrow Band FM simplex, every 25 KHz
1294.50 National simplex calling channel

HF Frequencies -- DX, DXpedition, SSB, CW, AM, FM, RTTY, SSTV

Note: By tradition, 20M and up is Upper Sideband, 40M and below is Lower Sideband. An exception is the new 60M Ham Band -- use USB. This protocol came about as a matter of convenience in early SSB transceiver design and has remained to this day. And yes - you can operate either sideband legally where phone is allowed. And yes you can operate CW on the phone bands -- but best stay with the protocols. 

Text highlighted in Yellow is from the ARRL Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide 
"The following frequencies are generally recognized for certain modes or activities (all frequencies are in MHz) during normal conditions. These are not regulations and occasionally a high level of activity, such as during a period of emergency response, DXpedition or contest, may result in stations operating outside these frequency ranges.
Nothing in the rules recognizes a net’s, group’s or any individual’s special privilege to any specific frequency. Section 97.101(b) of the Rules states that “Each station licensee and each control operator must cooperate in selecting transmitting channels and
in making the most effective use of the amateur service frequencies. No frequency will be assigned for the exclusive use of any station.” No one “owns” a frequency.
It’s good practice — and plain old common sense — for any operator, regardless of mode, to check to see if the frequency is in use prior to engaging operation. If you are there first, other operators should make an effort to protect you from interference to the extent possible, given that 100% interference-free operation is an unrealistic expectation in today’s congested bands."


1.800-2.000 CW
1.800-1.810 Digital Modes
1.810 QRP CW Calling frequency
1.8285 -- DXpeditions CW Operations are frequently here
1.830-1.840 CW, RTTY and other narrowband modes, intercontinental QSOs only
1.843-2.000 SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes
1.840-1.850 CW, SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes, intercontinental QSOs only  
1.825 - SSB QRP Calling Freq
1.910 - SSB QRP Calling Freq
1.995-2.000 Experimental
1.999-2.000 Beacons

80/75 METERS 

3.500-3.510 CW DX window
3.505 DXpeditions CW are frequently here 
3.560 QRP CW calling frequency 
3.590 RTTY/Data DX
3.570-3.600 RTTY/Data
3.585-3.600 Automatically controlled data stations 
3.790-3.800 DX window SSB
3.710 QRP Novice/Tech CW Calling Freq 
3.845 SSTV
3.885 AM calling frequency
3.799 DXpeditions SSB are frequently here 
3.985 QRP SSB calling frequency


7.000 - 7.010 CW DX Window
7.005 DXpeditions CW are frequently here
7.030 QRP CW calling frequency 
7.037 Pactor Calling frequency
7.040 RTTY/Data DX
7.040 QRP CW Calling Freq
7.050 XTAL Controlled Rigs
7.065 DXpedition SSB USA split to 7.150 and above
7.070-7.125 RTTY/Data
7.100-7.105 Automatically controlled data stations 
7.110 QRP Novice/Tech CW Calling Frequency
7.171 SSTV
7.173 D-SSTV
7.285 QRP SSB calling frequency 
7.290 AM calling frequency

10.106 QRP CW Calling frequency
10.110 -- DXpeditions CW are frequently here
10.130-10.140 RTTY/Data
10.140-10.150 Automatically controlled data stations

14.025 DXpedition CW Freq -- Usually Split
14.060 QRP CW calling frequency 
14.070-14.095 RTTY/Data
14.080 DXpedition RTTY Freq
14.080 to 14.100 Primary Range for RTTY
14.095-14.0995 Automatically controlled data stations 
14.100 IBP/NCDXF beacons and IARU beacons (STAY OFF OF THIS FREQUENCY) Many Hams rely on these beacons for propagation determination. 
14.1005-14.112 Automatically controlled data stations 
14.195 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate SSB Here -- Generally Listening Up-Split 
14.230 SSTV
14.233 D-SSTV
14.236 Digital Voice
14.236 SSTV 
14.285 QRP SSB calling frequency 
14.286 AM calling frequency
14.336 MHz  County Hunters when ever 20 is open and mobiles are around.


18.075 DXpeditions CW are frequently here -- Usually Split
18.080 CW QRP Calling Freq
18.100-18.105 RTTY/Data
18.105-18.110 Automatically controlled data stations 
18.110 IBP/NCDXF beacons and IARU beacons (STAY OFF OF THIS FREQUENCY) Many Hams rely on these beacons for propagation determination.
18.130 SSB QRP Calling Freq
18.145 DXpeditions SSB are frequently here -- Usually Split
18.162.5 Digital Voice

21.025 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate CW Here - Generally Listening Up-Split
21.060 QRP CW calling frequency 
21.070-21.110 RTTY/Data
21.080 RTTY DXpeditions are frequently here
21.080 to 21.100 RTTY Primary Range
21.090-21.100 Automatically controlled data stations 
21.110 QRP Novice/Tech Calling Freq
21.150 IBP/NCDXF beacons and IARU beacons (STAY OFF OF THIS FREQUENCY) Many Hams rely on these beacons for propagation determination.
21.295 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate SSB Here -- Generally Listening Up-Split
21.340 SSTV
21.385 QRP SSB calling frequency
21.430 SSTV

24.895 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate CW Here -- Generally Listening Up-Split
24,910 QRP CW Calling FREQ
24.920-24.925 RTTY/Data
24.925-24.930 Automatically controlled data stations 
24.930 IBP/NCDXF beacons (STAY OFF OF THIS FREQUENCY) Many Hams rely on these beacons for propagation determination.
24.945 Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate SSB Here -- Generally Listening Up-Split  
24.950 QRP SSB Calling Freq

28.025 CW Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate Here – Split
28.060 QRP CW calling frequency 28.070-28.120 RTTY/Data
28.080 RTTY Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate Here -- Split
28.080 to 28.100 Primary Range for RTTY
28.1010 10/10 Intl CW Calling Frequency
28.110 QRP Novice/Tech Calling FREQ
28.120-28.189 Automatically controlled data stations 
28.190-28.225 Beacons
28.200 IBP/NCDXF beacons and IARU beacons (STAY OFF OF THIS FREQUENCY) Many Hams rely on these beacons for propagation determination.
28.380 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency 
28.385 QRP SSB calling frequency 
28.400 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency
28.425 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency
28.495 SSB Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate Here -- Split 
28.600 Old General Callin Frequency - Still used by Old Timers
28.675~28.685 SSTV Operating Frequency -- IARU Region 1 
28.680 SSTV USA/Canada 
29.000-29.200 AM
29.300-29.510 Satellite downlinks 
29.520-29.580 Repeater inputs
29.600 FM simplex
29.620-29.680 Repeater outputs
28.825 10-10 Backskatter Net - Paper Chasers Net 
28.885 6M DX Liaison Frequency -- Listen here for 6 Meter DX opening announcements and discussions.
28.945 FAX Operating Frequency
29.000-29.200 AM Operations
29.300-29.510 Satellite Downlinks
29.520-29.580 Repeater Inputs
29.600 FM Simplex - Calling Frequency 29.620-29.680 Repeater Outputs 

ISLAND HUNTER FREQUENCIES (IOTA) IOTA CW: 3.530, 7.030, 10.115, 14.040, 18.098 and 21.040 MHz
IOTA SSB: 3.755, 7.060, 14.260, 18.128, 21.260, 24.950, 28.460 and 28.560 MHz
US Island Hunters: 7.250, 14.250 to 14.260 (main), 21.350, 28.450 MHz
CW - anywhere.
From The County Hunter Web
County hunters usually can be found participating in the Emergency and Mobile County Hunters Net. This net is in operation almost any time band conditions allow. Generally, these times are 1300 to 2200 UTC, but they can be extended when there are active mobiles.
The primary SSB operating frequency of the county hunting net is 14.336 MHz, and is considered the net home frequency. A secondary net usually is in operation at 7.185 MHz, except between 1545 to 1700 UTC, when it moves to 7.243 MHz. Occassionally, mobile operators will shift to other bands. The usual frequency on 75 meters is 3.903 MHz, while 15 and 10 meters are at 21.338 MHz and 28.336 MHz
The CW operating frequencies of the CW net can be found at 14.0565 MHz on 20 meters and 7.0385 on 40 meters. The frequency on 30m is 10.1225 These nets are not as active but put out a call, and someone will usually come back. The abbreviation "CHN" is used to designate the net.
The plan for PSK31 activity has always been (since PSK31 started) to concentrate activity starting from the bottom edge of the IARU RTTY bandplan, expanding upwards as activity increased. The exception is in the 10 mts band in order to give non full privileges ham to meet. It was defined as 150 Hz above it. Keep in mind that all you need is about 100 Hz as channel separation.
These recommended frequencies are in accordance with the IARU bandplan for region 1. There may be differences for regions 2 and 3
7035.15 for region 1 and region 3, and 7080.15 for region 2 *
21080.150 (although most activity can be found 10 kHz lower)
* This is due to the fact that the 7 MHz band is much wider in region 2 (the Americas), and the IARU bandplan reflects this.  

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